Scouting came to India very fast. The three cantonment towns of Banglore, Pune and Jabalpore, all claim the honour of having had the first troop in India by 1909. However in the begining only European and Anglo Indian boys were given the scout training and indian boys were denied the opportunity. But not for long, in 1916 Dr. Annie Besant established the Indian Boy Scout Association in Madras and in 1917 Pt. Madan Mohan Malviya and Pt.n Hhirdaynath Kunzru assisted by Shri Ram Bajpai establshed the seva samithi scout association in Allahabad.

After Baden Powell's visit in 1921, the Indian Boy Scout Association merged with Baden Powell movement while Seva Samithi Scout Association continued function separately.

After 1937, the first All Indian Jamboree was held at Delhi and Baden Powell was present.

in 1938, due to a wave of intense nationalism considerable members of boy scout association left it. They along with the Seva Samithi Scout Association and the newly formed the Hindustan Scout Association continued to function.

1950 the Boy Scout Association in India and the Hindustan Scout Association merged under the name of Bharat Scouts & Guides. The Girl Guide Association of India merged on 15th August 1951, thus completing the merger of the Boy Scout Association and the Girl Guide Association as wished by Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru, Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad and other leaders of the nation, to form the present day Bharat Scouts & Guides thus adding one more milestone to the world history of scouting and providing scope for unified organization which will lead the young to their future.

The scout section is affiliated to the World Scout Bureau with its office in Geneva and the Girl Guide section to the WAGGGS (World Association of Girl Guides & Girl Scouts) in London.

The Bharat Scouts & Guides is one of the founder member of the Asia Pacific Region and celebrated the 30 years of its foundation with the 10th Asia Pacific Jamboree held at Hyderabad in 1987.

Genesis of Scouting in the World :-

The Boy Scout Movement took a start in the United Kingdom when Lord Baden Powell organized a Scout Camp at Brown sea island on 1907 and the 'Scouting for Boys' was published in 1908. The movement spread quickly in United Kingdom and other countries of the world.

Scouting / Guiding in India before 1950 : 

The First Scout Troop in India consisting of Indian Boys was formed by a Scottish Missionary, in the Central Provinces (Present Madhya Pradesh) in 1908. However, the troop was disbanded in 1910. The common confirmed date, however, for the start of Scouting in India is 1909, when three troops for British Boys were started in Bangalore, Kirkee and Jabalpur.

This list of three Scout Troops increased to nine different Boy Scout Organizations in early 1911 in Shimla, Calcutta (Now Kolkata), Jabalpur, Allahabad, Bangalore, Puna, Kirkee, Saidpur and Madras (Present Chennai).

Efforts were made to merge all the Boys Scout organizations with the help and assistance of Lord Baden Powell in 1921. These efforts were partly successful. An endeavor was again made in 1937.

The Girl Guide movement got a Start in India at Jabalpur (M.P.) in 1911. It expanded enormously. There were about 50 girl guide companies with a membership of over 1200 by 1915. There companies were directly registered with imperial scout headquarters, London, like other Scout Organization. But an All India Girl Guide Association was formed in 1916. Girl Guiding was restricted to British Girls till 1916.

Unification of Scouting & Guiding :-

There were scattered organizations during the Pre-independence era. However, serous efforts made by leaders like Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru, First Prime Minister of India, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, the then Education Minister, Govt. of India, Mr. Mangal Das Pakwasa, the then Governor of C.P. and Scout Leaders like Dr. H. N. Kunzru, Pt. Sri Ram Bajpai, Justice Vivian Bose. Final merger took place on 7th November 1950 under the name of the Bharat Scouts & Guides. The Girl Guide Association joined the Bharat Scouts & Guides a year later in 15th August 1951.

The Bharat Scouts & Guides was housed in small rooms in Regal Building, Connaught Place, New Delhi. It shifted to its new building at 16, Mahatma Gandhi Marg, New Delhi in the year 1963-1964.

The Bharat Scouts & Guides has extended since 1950 enormously in quantitative and qualitative terms.


Founder of Scouting : Lord Robert Stephenson Smith Baden Powell 
Father's Name : Prof. Herbert Jeorge Baden Powell 
Mother's Name : Henrita Grace Smith 
Wife Name : Olave St. Clair Soames (Lady Baden Powell)
Date of Birth : 22nd February 1857 at Londen
Date of Death : 8th January 1941 at Ryen, Kenya.


1857 : Baden Powell born on 22nd February at London. 
1869 to 1876 : School Life on Baden Powell.
1876 to 1884 : Army life in India. 
1884 : He wrote and publisher his first book. 
"Reconnaissance of Scouting". 
1889 : Seize of Mafeking war - 11/10/89 to 16/05/1900 - 217 days.
1907 : Experimental camp at Brown Sea Island, 20 boys participated, implement patrol system.
1908 : "Scouting for Boys" published.
1909 : First Scout Rally at Crystal Palace, London, Girls joined. 
1911 : Girl Guide Association Started.
1912 : Baden Powell married Miss. Olave St. Clair Soames (Lady B.P.)
1929 : Baden Powell elevated to peerage took title of "Lord Baden Powell of Gillwill".

Scouting in India :-
Pioneers of Scouting in India :
  • Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya 
  • Pandit Hridaynath Kunzuru 
  • Pandit Shri Ram Bajpai 
  • Dr. Annie Besant
1921 : Dr. Annie Besant was appoint as Hony. Commissioner for India and awarded Silver Wolf. 
1927 : Mahatma Gandhi visited Wenlock Park on 4th September. 
1950 : 7th November merged as Bharat Scouts and Guides.  

"Be Prepared"
Cub Motto " Do Your Best \
Rover Motto : Service


The Sign is given at the time of Investiture or At the time of renewal of Scout Promise. The three points of the Scouts Badge and the three fingers of the Scout sign remind a Scout of the three parts of the Scout Promise. 
  • To do my duty to God and my country. 
  • To help other people and 
  •  To obey the Scout Law. 

Salute is given by raising the right arm smartly to the level of the shoulder, Palm to the front with the three fingers stretched together, the first touching the Forehead one inch above the right eyebrow and the thumb closing on the little Finger and after that the arm, cutting to the font is quickly and smartly brought down curling the fingers.

"ONE" - Raise the arm and Salute. 
"TWO, THREE"- Pause 
"FOUR"- Bring the arm down.


When Colonel Baden Powell entered the capital city of the Ashanti people in 1896 he was met by one the chiefs who came to him holding out his left hand. Baden Powell held out his right in return but the chief said : "No, in my country the bravest of the brave shake with the left hand". So began the "left handshake" of the world wide brotherhood of scouts. 

Once lady Baden Powell explained that her husband adopted left hand shake on the basis of the following :

Two tribes were fighting each other. One day when the two tribes came opposite to each other, the Leader of one tribe threw away the shield in his left hand and approached the other leader extending his left arm for shaking hand. Thus he showed his friendship with a free extended left hand by not defending himself. Hence, extending the left arm means, I am not your enemy; I am your friend.'


  • Shirt - Steel Grey Colour with two patch pockets with the shoulder straps. 
  • Shorts or Trousers - Navy Blue. 
  • Head Dress - Dark Blue Beret Cap with Official Cap Badge of B S & G. 
  • Belt - Grey Nylex belt with official buckle of B S & G. 
  • Scarf - A Triangular Scarf of the Group Colour ( 70 cms to 80 cms)
  • Shoulder Badge - 6 to 8 cms Name of the group in red letters, worn on both shoulders. 
  • Shoulders Stripes - 5 cms long and 1.5 cms wide. This patch shall be worn at the top of the left sleeve immediately below the shoulder badge. 
  • Membership Badge - A Badge with green background and Fleur-de-lis in yellow superimposed by the Trefoil with Ashoka Chakra, worn in left pocket. 
  • Socks or Stockings - Stockings with green garter tabs 1.5 cms visible outside stockings will be worn with shorts only. 
  • World Scout Badge - It should be worn in the center of the right pocket of the shirt. 
  • Footwear - Black shoes (leather or canvas) with laces may be worn. 
  • Over coat, Blazer or Jacket - Navy Blue, may be worn in the winter season only. 
  • Metal Badge - In Mufti, a metal badge of B S & G may be worn. 
  • Lanyard - Grey lanyard worn around the neck with a whistle in left pocket. 
  • Rope - Knotting rope of 3 mtrs. of standard size shall be worn in the uniform. 
  • A name stripe - "The Bharat Scouts & Guides" shall be worn above the right pocket of the Shirt.
Size - 180 Cms x 120 Cms. 
Ratio - 3:2
Saffron - Courage and Sacrifice. 
White - Peace, Purity and Truth.
Bottle - Prosperity, Faith and Fertility.
Ashoka chakra in Navy Blue to indicate the Dharma Chakra, the wheel of law in the Sarnath Lion Capital adopted on 22nd July 1947. 
* The Scout stand at 'Attention' and salutes when the flag is unfurled and the National Anthem song is sung, then and there. 
* The Flag should not touch the groun at all and special attention should be paid to this point while hoisting/ lowering it.
* It is never used for decoration or for ornamental purpose. 
* National Flag must be higher level than the B S & G Flag while hoisting both the flags. 
* The National Flag is the first to go up and the last to come down.
Size : 180 Cms x 120 Cms. 
Ratio - 3:2 
Enblem Size - 45 Cms x 30 CMs; Ratio - 3:2
Background - Dark Blue 
Emblem - Yellow 
Ashoka Chakra - Blue.
Emblems in B S & G Flag :-
Ashoka Chakra - Bharat (India) 
Fleur-de-lis - Scout Wing 
Tre-Foil - Guide Wing
World Scout Flag :-
Size : 180 Cms x 120 Cms. 
Ratio - 3:2 
Background - Royal Purple : The Basic preoccupation of the Scout with relieving human pain and misery.
Emblem - White Colour : Purity 
The World Scout Emblem shall consist of a field of Royal Purple bearing the white International Arrowhead surrounded by a white rope in a circle and a central read knot at the bottom.
Two Stars : 2 Five pointed stars represent the original 10 points of the Law. 
Three tips of the arrowhead : Three main points of the Scouts promise.
Reaf Knot : The unity of World Brotherhood throughout the movement. 
Needle : "It shows the true way to go".  

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